Tuesday, October 22, 2013


HSI Club Animal Issues October Theme: Compassion and Empathy for Lab Animals

Everyday Lab Animals are victims of cruel experiments. Even when the scientific community believe animal testing is necessary, a growing number of serious scientists believe the contrary.

During the month of October, the Humane School Initiative invites you to explore animal testing from a humane perspective. We challenge you to find solutions to prevent, stop, or minimize animal experimentation and become the voice of the victims that are suffering right now in labs all over the world.

Suggested Guidelines for the Animal Issues Solutionary Team of the HSI Club.

1- Prepare a presentation to educate the club members about the reality of Lab Animals.
2- Find out if your school performs dissection.
3- If it does, find if there is any legislation that help students legally opt out of dissection.
4- Conduct a survey to find out how students feel about dissection, if they know about their rights to opt out.
5- Share some facts of dissection through the morning announcements, or through info-educational posters all over the school.
6- Organize a posters, photo, essay, painting, performing or any other creative contest so that students express their views on dissection from a humane perspective.
7- Contact a lab animals rescue organization and find out if they can come in as guest speakers. They may bring some animals to the presentation so that students can have a close encounter with the ex-victims and develop a sense of compassion and empathy.
8- Ask the sponsor teacher of your club to let you play a short educational video on dissection during lunch and invite as many people as you can to watch. Have your guests to sign a pledge to opt out of dissection and to pass it on to others.
